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Les publications du GIS ALBATROS

  • Les publications dans des revues internationales

    • [R 1] "Bayesian Non-Parametric Methods for Dynamic State-Noise Covariance Matrix Estimation: Application to Target Tracking," C. Magnant, A. Giremus, E. Grivel, L. Ratton,, B. Joseph, accepté à Signal Processing, 2016.
    • [R 2] "Brain Computer Interface : Comparaison of Two Control Mode to Drive Virtual Robot, " R. Ron Angevin, A. Debeyre, Y. Marquet, V. Lespinet-Najib, J.-M. André, European Scientific Journal, Nov-2015, special edition, p. 177-188, 2015.
    • [R 3] "Jeffrey’s Divergence for State-Space Model Comparison," C. Magnant, E. Grivel, A. Giremus, B. Joseph, L. Ratton, Signal Processing, 2015, Vol. 114, Sept. 2015.
    • [R 4] "On Computing Jeffrey’s Divergence Between Time-Varying Autoregressive Models," C. Magnant, A. Giremus and E. Grivel, IEEE Signal Processing Letter, Vol. 22, n°7, pp. 915-919, July 2015.
    • [R 5] "A Broadband 4.5–15.5-GHz SiGe Power Amplifier With 25.5-dBm Peak Saturated Output Power and 28.7% Maximum PAE", E. Kerhervé, N. Demirel, A. Ghiotto, A. Larie, N. Deltimple, J.M. Pham, Y. Mancuso, P. Garrec, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol.63, n° 5, pp. 1621-1632, 2015.
    • [R 6] "A Tunable and Reconfigurable MMIC active Filter in GaAs Technology," L. Kamoun, P. Dueme, E. Kerhervé, J. P. Plaze, B. Godara, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, pp. 83-94, 2014.
    • [R 7] "Adaptive Regularization of the NL-Means: Application to Image and Video Denoising," C. Sutour, C.-A. Deledalle, J.-F. Aujol, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 23, n° 8, pp. 3506 – 3521, 2014
    • [R 8] "Characterization and Contribution of Personalized On-Screen Vibrotactile signals." C. Chauvelin, T. Sagi, P. Coni, J.-M. André, C. Jauze, V. Lespinet-Najib, Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics (IHMSC). IEEE Computer Society's Conference Publishing Service (CPS), Sixth International Conference, Vol. 1, Hangzhou, Chine, IEEE 10.1109/IHMSC.2014.43, p. 144-147. 2014.
    • [R 9] "Haptics on a Touch Screen: Characterization of Perceptual Thresholds," C. Chauvelin, T. Sagi, P. Coni, J.-M. Andre, C. Jauze, V. Lespinet-Najib, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Special Issue: Does Touch Matter?: The Effects of Haptic Visualization on Human Performance, Behavior and Perception, Vol. 30, n°11. p. 872-881. 2014.
    • [R 10] "Probabilistic Modeling of the Concept of Anticipation in Aviation," E. Suhir, S. Lini, C. Bey, J. M. Salotti, S. Hourlier, B. Claverie, Theoretical issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-17, 2014.
    • [R 11] "A New Time-Frequency using a Tensorial Study. Applications to ISAR processing," V. Corretja, E. Grivel, Y. Berthoumieu, J. M. Quellec, T. Sfez and S. Kemkemian, Signal Processing, vol. 93, n°7, pp. 1705-2108, July 2013.
    • [R 12] "Anticipation in Aeronautics: Probabilistic Assessments," E. Suhir, S. Lini, C. Bey, B. Claverie, International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation, 2013.
    • [R 13] "A Tunable and Reconfigurable Active Filter based on Distributed Structure Concept," L. Kamoun, E. Kerhervé, P. Dueme, J. P. Plaze, B. Godara, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, pp. 1-6, 2013.
    • [R 14] "Errors-in-Variables for Multichannel AR Processes Estimation from Noisy Observations," J. Petitjean, E. Grivel, W. Bobillet and P. Roussilhe, Signal, Image and Video Processing. vol. 4, n°2, pp. 209-220, DOI: 10.1007/s11760-009-0112-9. Publication en ligne en mars 2009. Disponible en version papier en 2010.
  • Les publications dans des revues nationales

    • [RN 1] "Influence de la Profondeur Temporelle d’Anticipation sur la Charge Cognitive en Environnement Aéronautique," S. Lini, P.A. Favier, J.-M. Andre, S. Hourlier, C. Bey, B. Vallespir, B. Baracat, Le Travail Humain, n°78, Vol. 3, pp. 239–256, 2015.
    • [RN 2]    "STAP fondé sur une modélisation autorégressive (AR) des interférences : estimation des paramètres AR par filtrage de Kalman," J. Petitjean and E. Grivel, revue française Traitement du signal. Vol. 28, n°1-2, pp.203-229, 2011.
  • Conférences internationales avec comité de lecture et actes

    • [C 1] "UAV Multilevel Swarms for Situation Management," M. Rosalie, G. Danoy, S. Chaumette and P. Bouvry, Proc of the Second Workshop on Micro Aerial Vehicle Networks, Systems, and Applications for Civilian Use . ACM. Juin 2016
    • [C 2] "Multi-target Tracking Using a PHD-based Joint Tracking and Classification Algorithm," C. Magnant, A. Giremus, E. Grivel, L. Ratton, B. Joseph, Proc. of IEEE Radar conference, mai 2016.
    • [C 3] "Analysis of a GLRT for the Detection of an Extended Target," T. Rouffet, E. Grivel, C. Enderli, B. Joseph, Bernard, S. Kemkemian, Proc. of IEEE Radar conference, mai 2016.
    • [C 4] "Brain-Computer Interface: Usability evaluation of different P300 speller configurations. A preliminary study," L. Garcia, V. Lespinet-najib, S. Saioud, V. Meisterman, S. Renaud, J. Diaz, J.M. André and S. Ron Angevin. Proc. of International Work Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN) – IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. Palma de Majorque, Espagne, 10-12 June 2015.
    • [C 5] "Evaluating EEG Measures as a Workload Assessment in an Operational Video Game Setup." L. Lecoutre, S. Lini, C. Bey, Q. Lebour, and P.-A. Favier. Proc. of PhyCS 2015 : 2nd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems. Angers, France, 2015.
    • [C 6] "Compared Evaluation of B-Alert’s Encephalographic Workload Metrics Using an Operational Video Game Setup," S. Lini, C. Bey, L. Lecoutre, Q. Lebour, and P.-A. Favier. Proc. of ISAP : 18th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH, 2015.
    • [C 7] "Enforcement of (Timed) Properties with Uncontrollable Events," M. Renard, Y. Falcone, S. Pinisetty, T. Jéron, H. Marchand, Proc. of International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing ICTAC 2015, Cali, Colombia, volume 9399 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 542-560, Springer, 2015.
    • [C 8] "DPM-Based Bayesian Nonparametric Method For Markov Switching Process Estimation," C. Magnant, A. Giremus, E. Grivel, L. Ratton and B. Joseph, Proc. of EUSIPCO 2015, Septembre 2015.
    • [C 9] "Classifying Autoregressive Models Using Dissimilarity Measures: a Comparative Study, " C. Magnant, E. Grivel, A. Giremus, L. Ratton and B. Joseph, Proc. of EUSIPCO 2015, Septembre 2015.
    • [C 10] "Joint Tracking and Classification Based on Kinematic and Target Extent Measurements, " C. Magnant, A. Giremus, E. Grivel, L. Ratton and B. Joseph, Proc. of FUSION 2015, Juillet 2015.
    • [C 11] "Combining Two Phase Codes to Extend the Radar Unambiguous Range and Get a Trade-Off in Terms of Performance for any Clutter," T. Rouffet, E. Grivel, P. Vallet, C. Enderli and S. Kemkemian, Proc. of ICASSP 2015, Brisbane, Australie, Avril 2015.
    • [C 12] "Model-Based Fault Diagnosis for an Electromechanical Actuator of a Helicopter Turboshaft Engine." A. Bobrinskoy, F. Cazaurang, B. Bluteau, O. Guerineau, and M. Gatti, Proc of. SAE 2014 Aerospace Systems and Technology Conference (ASTC), 2014.
    • [C 13] "Model-Based Fault Diagnosis of a Flight-Critical Actuator," A. Bobrinskoy, F. Cazaurang, M. Gatti, O. Guerineau, and B. Bluteau,, Proc. of Recent Advances in Aerospace Actuation Systems and Components, pp. 84–89, 2014
    • [C 14] "Clarifying the Link Between Mental Workload and Cognitive Control: a Study based on Rasmussen's Step Ladder Model," C. Giavarini, J. Cegarra, B. Baracat, C. Cametttes, N. Matton, J.-M. André, Proc. Of ICAP 2014, 28th International Congres of Applied Psychology. Paris du 8 au 13 Juillet, 2014.
    • [C 15] "The Riemann Pump: a Concurrent Transmitter in GaN Technology," Y. Veyrac, F. Rivet, Y. Deval, D. Dallet, P. Garrec, R. Montigny, pp. 594 – 597, Proc. of the 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS), 2014.
    • [C 16] "Classifying Several State Models using Jeffrey’s Divergence: Application to Target Tracking,” C. Magnant, E. Grivel, A. Giremus, B. Joseph and L. Ratton, Proc. of RADAR 2014, Lille, Oct. 2014.
    • [C 17] "Design of a Multi-Resolution Phase Coded Waveform in the Presence of Colored Gaussian Clutter,” T. Rouffet, P. Vallet, E. Grivel, C. Enderli, B. Joseph, and S. Kemkemian, Proc. of RADAR 2014, Lille, Oct. 2014.
    • [C 18] "A New Fully Digital Frequency Response Mismatch Compensation Algorithm for Time Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters,” A. Bonnetat, J.-M. Hode, G. Ferré and D. Dallet, Proc. of RADAR 2014, Lille, Oct. 2014.
    • [C 19] "Dual-Mode Power Amplifier Module with In-Band Reconfigurable Output Power for Multifunctional Radar and Radio Communication Systems A. Ghiotto, E. Kerhervé, N. Demirel, A. Larie, P. Garrec, Proc. of RADAR 2014, Lille, Oct. 2014.
    • [C 20] "A Compact Fully Integrated GaN High Power Amplifier for C-X Band Applications", N. Deltimple, V. Dupuy, E. Kerherve, P. Garrec, Y. Mancuso, Proc. of IEEE RADAR 2014, Lille, France, Oct. 2014.
    • [C 21] "Adaptive Regularization of the NL-Means for Video Denoising," C. Sutour, J.-F. Aujol, C.-A. Deledalle, J.-P. Domenger, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Paris, pp. 2704–2708, Oct. 2014.
    • [C 22] "A 39.7 dBm and 18.5% PAE compact X to Ku band GaN Travelling Wave Amplifier," V. Dupuy, E. Kerhervé, N. Deltimple, J. P. Plaze, P. Dueme and Y. Mancuso, Proc. of MWSCAS 2014, college station, United States, Aug 2014.
    • [C 23] "Characterization and Contribution of Personalized On-Screen Vibrotactile Signals," C. Chauvelin, T. Sagi, Coni P., J.-M. André and V. Lespinet-Najib, Proc. of 6th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, 6th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, Hangzhou Chine, 2014.
    • [C 24] "A Compact Wideband High Power Amplifier in GaN Technology with 47% peak PAE", V. Dupuy, N. Deltimple, E. Kerhervé, J.-P. Plaze, Y. Mancuso, P. Garrec, M. Dematos and S. Aloui, Proc. of IEEE IWS 2014, China, Mar 2014.
    • [C 25] "A 2.4GHz to 6GHz Active Balun in GaN Technology", V. Dupuy, E. Kerhervé, N. Deltimple, B. Mallet-Guy, Y. Mancuso and P. Garrec, Proc. of ICECS 2013, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Dec 2013.
    • [C 26] "Jeffreys Divergence Between State Models: Application to Target Tracking Using Multiple Models," C. Magnant, A. Giremus and E. Grivel, Proc. of EURASIP-EUSIPCO 2013, Marrakech, Maroc, Sept. 2013.
    • [C 27] "Dynamic Inversion of a Flight Critical Actuator for Fault Diagnosis," A. Bobrinskoy, M. Gatti, O. Guerineau, F. Cazaurang and B. Bluteau, Proc. of IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Syracuse, New York, pp. 1-16, 2013
    • [C 28] "A Frequency Independent Method for Adaptive Correction of Time Interleaved Analog to Digital Converters," A. Bonnetat, J.-M. Hodé, D. Dallet and G. Ferré, Proc. of 19th IMEKO TC 4 Symposium and 17th IWADC Workshop, Advances in Instrumentation and Sensors Interoperability, Barcelona, Spain, July 18-19, 2013.
    • [C 29] "A Tunable and Reconfigurable Active Filter based on Distributed Structure Concept," L. Kamoun, P. Dueme, E. Kerhervé, J.P. Plaze and B. Godara, Proc. of IMS 2013, Seattle, United States, Jun 2013.
    • [C 30] "A Cognitive Engineering Approach for Showing Feasibility Margins on an In-Flight Planning," S. Lini, B. Vallespir, S. Hourlier, F. Labat, P.-A. Favier, Proc. of the 17th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 17th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, États-Unis, 2013.
    • [C 31] "Evaluating ASAP (Anticipation Support for Aeronauticial Planning): a user-centered case study," S. Lini, C. Bey, S. Hourlier, B. Vallespir, A. Johnston and P.-A. Favier, Proc. of the 17th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 17th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, États-Unis, 2013.
    • [C 32] "Model-Based Fault Detection and Isolation Design for Flightcritical Actuators in a Harsh Environment," A. Bobrinskoy, M. Gatti, O. Guerineau, F. Cazaurang and B. Bluteau,, Proc. of IEEE- AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC),’12, Williamsburg, Virginia), pp. 1–17, 2012.
    • [C 33] "A Tunable and Reconfigurable Active Filter based on Distributed Structure Concept," L. Kamoun, E. Kerherve, P. Dueme, J. P. Plaze and B. Godara, IEEE NEWCAS, Montreal, 2012, Best paper award.
    • [C 34] "Anticipation in Aeronautics: Exploring Pathways Toward a Contextualized Aggregative Model Based on existing Concepts," S. Lini, C. Bey, S. Hourlier, B. Vallespir, A. Johnston and P.-A. Favier, Proc. of HFES Europe Chapter Conference Toulouse, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter 2012, Toulouse France, 2012.
    • [C 35] "Influence of a Temporally-Customizable HMI on Pilots’ Cognitive Load in Civil Aviation: a Comparative Study," S. Lini, P.-A. Favier, S. Hourlier, B. Vallespir, C. Bey and B. Baracat, Proc. of HCI Aero 2012, HCI-Aero 2012, Bruxelles, Belgique, 2012.
    • [C 36] "Driver Monitoring for a Contextual Management of Human Machine Interactions," J.C. Paris, T. Bellet, P. Deleurence, B. Claverie, J. M. André, HFES, Europe Chapter (Human Factor and Ergonomic Society), Annual meeting, Toulouse du 10 au 12 octobre, 2012. [C 37] "Investigating Cognitive Control for Situation Awareness: A Psychophysiological approach?," C. Giavarini, B. Baracat, J. Cegarra, J.M. Andre, HFES, Europe Chapter (Human Factor and Ergonomic Society), Annual meeting,Toulouse du 10 au 12 octobre, 2012.
    • [C 37] "Investigating Cognitive Control for Situation Awareness: A Psychophysiological approach?," C. Giavarini, B. Baracat, J. Cegarra, J.M. Andre, HFES, Europe Chapter (Human Factor and Ergonomic Society), Annual meeting,Toulouse du 10 au 12 octobre, 2012.
    • [C 38] "Target Radial Velocity Estimation Robust Against Additive Disturbances for ISAR Application," V. Corretja, E. Grivel, Y. Berthoumieu, J. M. Quellec, T. Sfez and S. Kemkemian, Proc. of IEEE-CIE International Radar Conf RADAR 2011, Chengdu, Chine, October 23-27, 2011.
    • [C 39] "Combining Time-Frequency Transforms to Create a Sequence of Instantaneous Range-Doppler Images in ISAR Processing," V. Corretja, E. Grivel, Y. Berthoumieu, J. M. Quellec, T. Sfez and S. Kemkemian, Proc. of IEEE-CIE International Radar Conf RADAR 2011, Chengdu, Chine, October 23-27, 2011.
    • [C 40] "Relevance of the Hölderian Regularity-based Interpolation for Range-Doppler ISAR Image Post-Processing," V. Corretja, P. Legrand, E. Grivel and J. Levy-Vehel, Proc. of IEEE-CIE International Radar Conf RADAR 2011, Chengdu, Chine, October 23-27, 2011.
    • [C 41] "CARUS, an operational retasking application for a swarm of autonomous UAVs: First return on experience," S. Chaumette; R. Laplace; C. Mazel; R. Mirault; A. Dunand; Y. Lecoutre; J-N. Perbet 2011 - MILCOM 2011 Military Communications Conference
    • [C 42] "Coloured Transmission based on Multicarrier Phase Coded Signals in MIMO Radar," V. Pereira, J. Petitjean and E. Grivel, Proc. of IEEE-Radarcon 2011, Kansas city, Kansas, USA, May 23-27 2011.
    • [C 43] "Evolutive Method based on a Generalized Eigenvalue Decomposition to Track Time Varying Autoregressive Parameters from Noisy Observations," H. Ijima, J. Petitjean, and E. Grivel, Proc. of IEEE-ICASSP 2011, Prague, République tchèque, May 22-27 2011.
    • [C 44] "Developing ASAP (Anticipation Support for Aeronautical Planning)," S. Lini, P. A Favier, X. Servantie, B. Vallespir and S. Hourlier, 16th International symposium on Aviation Psychology 2011 Dayton (Etats-Unis), 103-105, 2011.
    • [C 45] "Helping Pilots Better Anticipate: a User-Centered HMI Concept for Flight Displays," S. Lini, S. Hourlier, Servantie X., B. Vallespir and P. A. Favier, International Display Research Conference (IDRC 31) EuroDisplay 2011, Aracachon, France, 103-105, 2011.
    • [C 46] "A Recursive Errors-In-Variables Method For Tracking Time Varying Autoregressive Parameters from Noisy Observations," J. Petitjean, E. Grivel, R. Diversi, and R. Guidorzi, Proc. of Eurasip-EUSIPCO 2010, Aalborg, Danemark, August 2010.
    • [C 47] "Fixed-Point based Autoregressive Parameter Estimation For Space Time Adaptive Processing," J. Petitjean, E. Grivel and P. Roussilhe, Proc. of ICASSP 2010, Dallas, Texas, USA, March 14-19 2010.
  • Papiers invités

    • [IC 1]    "A new operational approach as part of Human Factors studies, the French Air Force A400M test flights lessons learned," C.Bey, S. Lini, J. M. Andre, S. Hourlier and B. Claverie. 86th Aerospace Medical & Human Factors Association (ASMA). Orlando, FL, May 2015.
    • [IC 2]    "Added Value of Digital Equipment in Operational Human Factors Approaches: A400M Use Cases," C. Bey, S. Lini, J. M. Andre, S. Hourlier and B. Claverie, 18th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH, May 2015.
    • [IC 3]    "Very high efficiency SiGe and GaN High Power Amplifiers for tile modules," V. Dupuy, E. Kerhervé, N. Deltimple, N. Demirel and Y. Mancuso, IEEE IMS 2014, Tampa, Florida, United States, Jun 2014.
    • [IC 4]    "Human factors and cognitics for display design: constraints of color in HMD/HUD (head-mounted displays, head-up displays)," S. Hourlier, B. Claverie B., Eurodisplay 2011, Arcachon, Sept. 2011.
  • Communications orales sans actes

    • [CSA 1]    "Eurodisplay 2011 : session Facteur Humain», Human factor and cognitics for display design : constraints of color in HMD/HUD (Head-­ mounted displays/Head-­ up displays)," S. Hourlier and B. Claverie, Arcachon, 2011.
    • [CSA 2]    "Aetos meeting 2014 », ASIMUT (ICET 2 project) Aid to SItuation Management based on MUltimodal, MUltiUAVs, Multilevel, acquisition Techniques, S. Chaumette et G. Guerrini, Jan 2014. 

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